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Posted by aterai at
- JComboBox tooltips right side
- JEditorPane HTML Image Lazy loading
- JList ListCellRenderer html performance
- JMenuBar Slide in/out animation
- JMenuItem JPopupMenu JButton Drag
- JOptionPane KeyEventDispatcher
- JOptionPane scroll
- JPasswordField Focus Blur effect transparent
- JProgressBar Bootstrap center string
- JPopupMenu scroll JScrollPane
- JRadioButton + JTextField
- JScrollPane VetoableChangeListener
- JSlider Sound MIDI seekbar
- JSlider status Range restriction
- JSpinner multiple line
- JSplitPane show hide tab
- JTabbedPane ScrollButton Layout
- JTabbedPane Tearaway tabs
- JTabbedPane content Rounded corners like nimbus
- JTabbedPane tab height animation
- JTable cell Editable and auto completion JComboBox suggest in TableCell
- JTable git graph JLayer
- JTable multiple rows editor
- JTextArea two-column format
- JTextField Focus Animation
- JTextField(search) in JButton(Tab, ButtonBar)
- JTextPane Parallax
- JToolBar target JLayer
- JToolBar transparent top
- JToolTip JWindow Focus Drag
- JTree Table
- JTree under Node only sort
- JTree AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions FixedHeightLayoutCache
- File createTempFile
- File getTotalSpace, getFreeSpace, getUsableSpace
- Font CID Cmap
- LocalDate DateFormatter sample
- MetalTheme Arrow Color
- UIDefaults ProxyLazyValue
- Image
BufferedImage#getScaledInstance() - 1
Java 9 AWT, Swing 新機能
- Desktop#moveToTrash(File) (Java SE 9 & JDK 9)
- Taskbar (Java SE 9 & JDK 9)
- FileSystemView#isLink(File) (Java SE 9 & JDK 9)
- JColorChooser#showDialog(..., boolean colorTransparencySelectionEnabled) (Java SE 9 & JDK 9)
Java 8
には存在せずJava 9
からの機能なのになぜか@since 9
- Button.defaultButtonFollowsFocus
- ColorChooser.showPreviewPanelText
- ComboBox.showPopupOnNavigation
- InternalFrame.layoutTitlePaneAtOrigin
- IsindexView.prompt
- OptionPane.buttonOrientation
- OptionPane.isYesLast
- ScrollPane.useChildTextComponentFocus
- Spinner.disableOnBoundaryValues
- SplitPane.centerOneTouchButtons
- SplitPane.supportsOneTouchButtons
- TabbedPane.tabsOverlapBorder
- TabbedPane.useBasicArrows
- Table.alternateRowColor
- TableHeader.rightAlignSortArrow
- Tree.scrollsHorizontallyAndVertically
Java 9
- Swing/AuxiliaryLookAndFeel
AuxiliaryLookAndFeel\src\java\example\AuxiliaryWindowsComboBoxUI.java:59: warning: [unchecked] unchecked method invocation: constructor <init> in class BasicComboPopup is applied to given types super(combo); ^ required: JComboBox<Object> found: JComboBox AuxiliaryLookAndFeel\src\java\example\AuxiliaryWindowsComboBoxUI.java:59: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion super(combo); ^ required: JComboBox<Object> found: JComboBox
- Swing/BasicComboPopup
BasicComboPopup\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:52: warning: [deprecation] modelToView(int) in JTextComponent has been deprecated Rectangle rect = jtp.modelToView(jtp.getCaretPosition()); ^ BasicComboPopup\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:109: warning: [unchecked] unchecked method invocation: constructor <init> in class BasicComboPopup is applied to given types super(cb); ^ required: JComboBox<Object> found: JComboBox BasicComboPopup\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:109: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion super(cb); ^ required: JComboBox<Object> found: JComboBox
- Swing/ElementAttribute
ElementAttribute\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:137: warning: [deprecation] viewToModel(JTextComponent,Point,Bias[]) in TextUI has been deprecated int pos = editor.getUI().viewToModel(editor, e.getPoint(), bias); ^
- Swing/GetLineText
C:\Users\terai\jst\GetLineText\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:170: warning: [deprecation] viewToModel(Point) in JTextComponent has been deprecated int pos = textArea.viewToModel(new Point(0, y)); ^
- Swing/InputVerifierFocusOrder
InputVerifierFocusOrder\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:73: warning: [deprecation] shouldYieldFocus(JComponent) in InputVerifier has been deprecated @Override public boolean shouldYieldFocus(JComponent input) { ^ InputVerifierFocusOrder\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:76: warning: [deprecation] shouldYieldFocus(JComponent) in InputVerifier has been deprecated return super.shouldYieldFocus(input); ^
- Swing/InternalFrameDropTarget
InternalFrameDropTarget\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:11: error: package javax.activation is not visible import javax.activation.*; ^ (package javax.activation is declared in module java.activation, which is not in the module graph)
- Swing/MenuItemAcceleratorAlignment
MenuItemAcceleratorAlignment\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:285: warning: [deprecation] getKeyModifiersText(int) in KeyEvent has been deprecated accText.append(KeyEvent.getKeyModifiersText(modifiers)).append(acceleratorDelimiter);
- Swing/PasswordView
PasswordView\src\java\example\MainPanel.java:75: warning: [deprecation] drawEchoCharacter(Graphics,int,int,char) in PasswordView has been deprecated @Override protected int drawEchoCharacter(Graphics g, int x, int y, char c) { ^
- 投稿時間が不明な記事一覧
- buckupやアクセスログから調査可能な記事は、スクリプトや手動で復元したが、以下はwikihomeから移転した日時しか残っていない
Swing/DeviceName | 5377696E672F4465766963654E616D65 | 2003-09-08 |
Swing/GridBagLayout | 5377696E672F477269644261674C61796F7574 | 2003-09-15 |
Swing/MinimumFrame | 5377696E672F4D696E696D756D4672616D65 | 2003-09-22 |
Swing/Preferences | 5377696E672F507265666572656E636573 | 2003-09-29 |
Swing/ResourceMenuBar | 5377696E672F5265736F757263654D656E75426172 | 2003-10-06 |
Swing/SystemColor | 5377696E672F53797374656D436F6C6F72 | 2003-10-20 |
Swing/FontChange | 5377696E672F466F6E744368616E6765 | 2003-10-27 |
Swing/FileHistory | 5377696E672F46696C65486973746F7279 | 2003-11-10 |
Swing/FileFilter | 5377696E672F46696C6546696C746572 | 2003-11-17 |
Swing/LookAndFeel | 5377696E672F4C6F6F6B416E644665656C | 2003-11-24 |
Swing/ScrollIncrement | 5377696E672F5363726F6C6C496E6372656D656E74 | 2003-12-01 |
Swing/RecursiveFileSearch | 5377696E672F52656375727369766546696C65536561726368 | 2003-12-15 |
Swing/TabbedPane | 5377696E672F54616262656450616E65 | 2003-12-22 |
Swing/SortableTable | 5377696E672F536F727461626C655461626C65 | 2004-01-05 |
Swing/StyleConstants | 5377696E672F5374796C65436F6E7374616E7473 | 2004-01-12 |
Swing/StripeTable | 5377696E672F5374726970655461626C65 | 2004-01-19 |
Swing/EventListener | 5377696E672F4576656E744C697374656E6572 | 2004-01-26 |
Swing/FixedWidthColumn | 5377696E672F46697865645769647468436F6C756D6E | 2004-02-02 |
Swing/ColorTab | 5377696E672F436F6C6F72546162 | 2004-02-09 |
Swing/DnDList | 5377696E672F446E444C697374 | 2004-02-16 |
Swing/MoveRow | 5377696E672F4D6F7665526F77 | 2004-02-23 |
- Swing/_Bugに移動
シンプルで、小さなサンプル(Simple Client Applications)
- java.net Forums : Simple Client Applications ...
- via: Editor's Daily Blog: All I Want
What surprises me about Java on the desktop is that there are very few simple clean example of it in use that are fundamental.
- via: Editor's Daily Blog: All I Want
- 社内ライブラリのチュートリアル
社内にはそのライブラリで作られたアプリケーションが色々あり, ライブラリを使う時はその中から欲しいコード片を掘り起こすのが常だった.苦労の多い作業だった. オブジェクトの初期化, 設定, 利用のシーケンスはコード内に分散しており, それを漏れなく抜き出すのは難しい. コードの質も玉石混合で, バグを持ったままコピペされることもあった. 私達の目的は, 極端に言えば便利で正しいコピペ素材を提供することだった.
Examples should be exemplary (例は典型的であるべき)
- Interested in Writing New Tutorial Demos for Sun?についてたコメントを引用
- 開発者はサンプルコードに頼って(コピペして)いる
- Examples should be exemplary
He references a research study that found that a bug in one of the original JDK applet examples was replicated in 75% of applets attempting similar goal in their sampling of applets found on the internet. This underscores the fact that developers rely on example code, even, unfortunately, to the point that we copy bugs too. This is sometimes described as "Monkey see, monkey do", or "Rape and Paste".
- http://ameblo.jp/argv/entry-10144604985.html
- あらかじめ完成度の高い「コピー元」を用意する
- コピー元を品質の高いコードに集中させることで、「バグのコピー」や「似て非なるバージョンの散在」を防ぐ。
- 「コピーされたもの」が分かるようにする
- 例えば、コピー元のコードに特殊なコメントを埋め込む(もちろん、コピー先でも消さないでおく)などして、後からコピー先を検索しやすくする。これは、不具合修正や仕様変更などの際に、影響範囲(全てのコピー先)を特定しやすくするためである。
Best Practice for Swing coding
- Alexander Potochkin's Blog: Why I don't use Swing hacks (in production code)についてたコメントを引用
- For deities sake, coordinate your documentation and example in one single place. And make sure they demonstrate best practice.
- 米Microsoft、コードサンプル集「All-In-One Code Framework」 - SourceForge.JP Magazine
http://weblogs.java.net/blog/alexfromsun/archive/2007/09/why_i_dont_like.html:title=Best Practice for Swing coding> The problem with the "Swing Hacks" book is that it contains solutions in search for problems. And that is just the wrong motivation to add a hack to production code. There are other, good motivations to add hacks to production code. Let's start with a better definition of the word hack: A creative circumvention of a limitation And unfortunately Swing has many limitations which hurt in the real world. If your customer insists that you make something happen "or else ..." you have a very good motivation for a hack. I do not agree that a programmer has to understand all implications of a hack. Swing is such a complex system, itself full of ugly hacks, bugs, and badly documented, that this is just not feasible. When it comes to Swing then part of the problem is not only that Swing is so limited, but also that the limitations don't get fixed. This is an attitude problem at Sun. Sun lacks the understanding and imagination of what is needed on the desktop. Many Sun people still seem to live in SunView (ups, I am showing my age here) lala-land. Sun thinks it's always right. Sun has totally failed to establish a best-practice for Swing coding. The examples that ship with the JDK are some of the worst Swing code. What is even worse, while Sun employees were busy writing shiny conference demos, no one at Sun could be arsed to clean up the JDK example mess during the last ten years. This is not an isolated case. The Swing tutorial examples are equally bad. They can't even be bothered to use JavaDoc for documentation and typically demonstrate badly structured code for badly structured GUIs. Sun also has fragmented and hidden GUI information in unbelievable ways. For example, try to find a single page listing all Swing system properties. Good luck. In general, some Swing information comes with the JDK. Some can be found in the TSC (which is on life support). Others on ominous pages like JDCTechTips, Almanac (blech!), Code samples, Online Training article, Java.net articles, multi-media samples, technical articles, 2D examples in four places (did you know Sun has a half-finished Postscript Interpreter in Java http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/2D/samples/postscript/PostscriptDemo.zip?). Then there are dev.java.net examples, JDC, SDN, whatnot. I have probably forgot another ten places where Sun hides Swing, 2D, media, GUI or desktop information. No one at Sun seems to coordinate the stuff. Instead everyone at Sun seems to run the his own show, trying to establish an own kingdom. For deities sake, coordinate your documentation and example in one single place. And make sure they demonstrate best practice. Posted by: ewin on September 28, 2007 at 02:58 PM
Swing 修正予定・検討メモ
実際にやるかどうかは未定ですが、今後Swing Tips
Swing Tips
、静的サイト生成に移行できないか検討中- https://ateraimemo.com/index.html で
Jekyll Bootstrap
のテスト中 Jekyll
タグJDK 1.6.0_10
などのアンダーラインnew JPanel()
- https://ateraimemo.com/index.html で
- https://sites.google.com/site/javaswingtips/ は、
- ソースコード
に自動リンク- 日本語、文字コード
- 簡単にコンパイル、実行
- Ant(build.xml)、バッチファイル、シェルスクリプトの改良
- build.xml の整理
- NetBeans (Eclipse) .classpath、.projectの追加
- src.zipのファイル名を、それぞれ適当なものに変更?
- Ant(build.xml)、バッチファイル、シェルスクリプトの改良
- 各Tipsの難易度表示
- こちらで適当に評価するか、ユーザに評価してもらうか…
- レーティングバー
- Web Start
- 「プログラムの追加と削除」に登録されない方法を探す
- キャッシュを無効にする
- UI操作無しで全部削除できる方法を探す
- javaws -uninstall
- 起動時にスプラッシュスクリーンを表示しない方法を探す
- javaws -Xnosplash <jnlp>
- 「プログラムの追加と削除」に登録されない方法を探す
- バージョンの表記
- Javaの新バージョンはJDK1.9ではない
- JDK 6 と JDK 1.6 どちらかに揃える
- Java 7 と Java 1.7.0 どちらかに揃える
- ライセンス
google code においたソースコードは、MIT License- What license should I use for code snippets released on my blog? - Stack Overflow
- http://hobbylinux.info/download/rtl8181/src/GPL/wireless_tools.25-broken!!!/sample_pm.c
- This particular snipset of code is available under the Apache license, BSD license, CC0, ..., WTFPL (at your choice).
- スクリーンショット
screenshot一覧ページの分割- スクリーンショットはすべて Picasa に移動
- 一覧は https://picasaweb.google.com/112210866074949770793/JavaSwingTips02?authuser=0&feat=directlink
- スパム対策
ソースコード、FindBugs, PMDリポジトリ(Subversion)を公開(JavaForge、sourceforge.jpとか調べる)- http://code.google.com/p/java-swing-tips/source/checkout
もしくは全ソースコードの一括ダウンロードを簡単に(wgetなどの対策)Mercurial にするかも
ソースコード、Ubuntuなどでも実行できるようにe.isPopupTrigger()を使ってJPopupMenuを表示している箇所(JDK 5 以前のソース)を、すべてsetComponentPopupMenuに変更する。
ソースコード、1.5以上対応に変更Color クラスにおける定数の大文字化ソースコード、codeプラグインで色分けソースコード、build.xmlなどをすべてUTF-8化バッチファイルの代わりにantのタスクを使うように変更- antのbuild.xmlにrunタスクを追加、ただしバッチファイルも残すことに
sampleをexampleに統一Swing/JarFile?をAntの下に移動する分類: JTree JButtonTableSorter.javaをJDK6のTableRwoSorterに置き換えるソートする意味のないサンプルで使用しているTableSorter.javaは削除
スクリーンショットすべて撮り直す(prefixのコロン:)screenshot一覧ページの分割、画像サイズ削減キャッシュ一覧で探しやすいように、タイトルの頭に「サ:」(サンプル)を付けていたのを、「JST 」(Java Swing Tips)に変更日本標準時ではない…
分類JTableのTipsを分割- ソースを一つにまとめる(ワンクリックで全ソースコードを表示したい)ためにTestModel.javaを検索してpackageプライベートなクラスに変更中
>find . -type f -name TestModel.java -ls | gawk "{print $7, $11}" | sort
- Look&Feel関係でpublic クラスでないとダメなのは…、放置。
- Swing/_Bugに移動