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技術系メーリングリスト上で使える英語の習得法 - 科学と非科学の迷宮と同じように英語の例文集・用例集の作成をSwing関係の掲示板でやっているので晒しておきます。
- 注: 正しい(丁寧な)英語か?は関知していません。掲示板などの芸風?やノリは結構違ったりするので、そのまま使うのはやめた方が無難だと思います。
- 大本はOpera Noteに保存(Shift-Ctrl-C)しているので元リンクも記録していたのですが、主な収集元だったforums.sun.comがcommunity.oracle.comに移転するときにリンクが転送されず、すべて404になってしまったので(threadIDの変換法則がよく分からない)、ここには載せてません。
- 最近は、Newest 'swing' Questions - Stack Overflowからの収集が多くなっています。
- What's wrong in my code?
- Could you point me to a detail document or url?
- Can anyone out there help me solve this problem?
- Is this the right place to send bugfixes like this one?
- Is this a known bug?
- Please, tell me why.
- Where are the Timing Framework jars? I can't find the jars needed to run examples, or to write my own code. Have then been removed, or am I a bad searcher?
- I'm still researching but wanted to see if anybody has experience with this situation.
- Hi, I just started to play with JXLayer and this might be a dumb question.
- Its working but seems not a good solution. so I wanted to see if anyone had a cleaner approach.
- This example is a bit of a hack.
- Its working but seems a bit of a hack.
- Any suggestions?
- The templates are a bit ugly still.
- The link to Swing faq is broken.
- I'm having a similar problem: which version of java are you running with?
- Problem with two synchronized tables.
- What's wrong with a JTree?
- Can anyone refer me to any example code that reads multiple analog pins from a peripheral?
- What JDK version do I need for Seam?
- I am also facing the same problem.
- I get an error msg as follows:
- I'm searching for a Java layoutmanager which is able to automatically hide elements
- any suggestion/keyword?
- any help regarding this issue would be appreciated.
- I am facing this problem where button does not loose its pressed status.
- I have posted the code which demonstrated this behavior.
- I am using JDK 1.6.
- I am running a JDK 1.6.0_06.
- I am running JDK 1.0.6_06 / JRE 1.6.0_02 on windows vista x64
- my envirment:winxp+jdk1.6.7
- Under WinXp Java 1.5 I get the behaviour you want.
- Under Ubuntu Java 1.6 I get the behaviour you describe. They are both Sun Java releases, so can't really say...
- This is not true if using two-monitor configuration on WindowsXP(SP3).
- I am facing this problem only on window and using jdk 1.5.
- Since Java 1.6
- copied from ...
- mostly copied from javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI.paintCurrentValue
- Indentation corrected.
- minor cleanup
- This is being investigated now to see what is going on.
- I am not saying if it is a bug or as intended until after the investigation.
- References
- see also
- related posts
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- overview
- Summary
- description
- code downloads
- notes
- java.net.HttpCookie code cleanup, style, formatting, typos
- This code is taken from:
- Based on a blog post from Alexander Potochkin at the following url:
- Javadoc typo fixes:
- EDIT Adding Source code:
- formatted code, removed unnecessary white spaces.
- I don't claim authorship. As far as I am concerned, anybody may reuse the code just as she/he likes.
- Note : this particular snipset of code is available under the LGPL, MPL or BSD license (at your choice).
- Is the JComboBox editable?
- I can't figure out what you're asking.
- I don't understand your question.
- I don't understand the question.
- If you post a simple example, you will get faster and better help.
- If you post a simple example as I already asked you will get faster and better help.
- If you need examples then search the forum. Maybe using keywords "+robot +imageio" would be a good place to start to find threads that use both of these classes together.
- Well, I don't really understand what you are trying to do, but if you want to know which table invoked the renderer,
- then I guess you would need to override the getTableCellRendererComponent to save the table paramenter as a variable that can be accessed by the setValue() method.
- Don't forget to use the Code Formatting Tags, so the posted code retains its original formatting.
- Don't know if I really understand your question.
- We have no idea what your code does.
- No, it works for me, can you post the code you're using 2012-05-29 (火) 18:52:58
- There is no JList in your code.
- Please give us more info ...
- the code posted above is too lengthy and not have a main method to execute. You create a small compilable executable program. and post here.
- I think your little piece of code is not enough for us to reconstruct your problem ...
- Your code works fine for me using JDK 6 on XP.
- SSCCE (Short Small Simple Source) (Code Compilable Complete Copy-Paste) (Example Executable)
- So start by reading the API for the Robot and ImageIO classes.
- Read the APIs for Graphics2D and its super class Graphics
- To get better help sooner, post a SSCCE that clearly demonstrates your problem.
- Seeing is believing:
- I have absolutely no idea what you're asking.
- Did you try searching the forum first? (URL)
- you said in the opening post: "...", so, whatever the preexisting frame is.
- That is not a SSCCE.
- This is not a Swing problem. Try a NetBeans forum.
- This code does not work - it locks up my appletviewer. Please repost with code tags.
- well you have a typo in your code, it is not getPrefferedSize() but getPreferredSize().
- I don't quite understand your point.
- Please use code tags when posting...
- its give me error
- Which version of the JDK are you running?
- Which version of Java, which OS?
- Why did you create a new posting?
- Why do you have a blank line between every line of code. It makes it hard to read blocks of code.
- When I googled your subject line, seems like the first result was exactly what you're looking for.
- How is this related to Java?
- This can only be done in newer versions of the JDK.
- Have you tried printing out the exception in that catch block?
- there misses a call to setText(value.toString()); :o)
- Additionally: please use { code } tags (or the "CODE" button) when posting code. And use the "preview" button to check how your post will look like.
- Not sure why you would want to do this though?
- you should mark the thread as "answered", its still showing as This question is not answered.
- In the future, Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum.
- Next time, read the tutorials before asking here.
- Therefore I will ignore the question and move on.
- Does ... exist? My guess is some bundling issue...
- What is DefaultTableClass? Do you mean DefaultTableModel? If so, then you have it backwards
- What is the exact error you get?
- What is the look-and-feel that you are using?
- What is mean by Swing for Http. I guess you are meaning JApplet.
- What is VariableLengthMaskFormatter, a customized MaskFormatter?
- What model are you using? a SpinnerNumberModel? If so, look at the API for this beast and you should see a constructor that can help you.
- What version are you on?
- What does this have to do with Swing? Try the mail forum.
- So what is the "Standard Look & Feel" ?
- work OK if you add the indicated lines. //<----
- works OK like this: [code]
- worked OK for me, java 1.6 winxp
- Works fine for me on XP using JDK6.
- Works fine for me on using JDK6 on XP.
- Works fine for me using the Metal LAF with JDK6 on XP.
- [code false] It should be [code true]
- It Works.
- Its work for me..(jdk1.6,netbeans5.5)
- it seems to work OK for me
- When using Nimbus L&F(build 1.6.0_10-rc-b28), your code works fine.
- This works for me (Java 6, not sure about others):
- this is the way I would do it - works in 1.6: [code]
- I have verified it with 1.241, it worked fine.
- I guess it was ok.
- I can tell you that it works fine for me on Android 2.0.1:
- it's a bit of a hack, but it works.
- seems to work OK like this (on windows anyway)
- Maybe this will help you:
- This doesn't seem to be a java problem, Your code works fine for me.
- Hello, this is working for me...
- Check this out: http://www.example.com/
- Check out this example: http://www.example.com/
- Check the tutorial on how to use Key Bindings in Swing. This may be what you need here.
- Check out KeyboardCommands
- Check out my UIManager Defaults blog entry.
- Try looking at the BasicTabbedPaneUI. Maybe the getTabBounds(...) method will work.
- Try this:
- This sample was inspired from http://www.example.com/
- See this thread: http://www.example.com/
- See camickr's Message Console.
- See my post in the below thread. You may also need to understand concurrency and the EDT
- How about using the JCheckBoxMenuItem http://www.example.com/
- May be this one: http://www.example.com/
- Take a look at http://www.example.com/. May be it helps...
- The Swing tutorial on Drag and Drop should also help: http://www.example.com/
- The swing tutorial on "How to Use Drag and Drop" has a working example using JLists: http://www.example.com/
- As an example, take a look at "http://www.example.com/" which does exactly this.
- Take a look at SpinnerNumberModel: http://www.example.com/
- Do you know this link? In particular what is written under "Short".
- I did a simple search for "sun studio enterprise 8" and I got your answer.
- Try commenting out the line
- Could you try by commenting out
- Re-read the first sentence.
- If you look at the JFrame code, it does:
- Search the forum for the "Fixed Column ScrollPane" (without the spaces) examples which shows one way you might do this.
- Search the web for a 3-state or tri-state check box to see what you can find.
- Another thing you could search is the API documentation of JFrame. I suggest searching on "top".
- (Translated by Google)
- Here is one way: [code]
- Here is a simple example of retrieving the data from multiple components based on the above article: [code]
- Here is how to paint a rectangle around the text:
- Here's a quick example: [code]
- Here's my attempt:
- Here I am placing the sample code which represents my problem in simple way:
- Dialog Focus shows one way.
- This is one of the many solutions.
- Here is one possible implementation using RowTableModel (a self made class).
- Here's my version, based on Nick Holt's version.
- One of many possible ways:
- One way: (Key: play with your layouts!)
- From the API:
- From http://
- From its javadoc:
- This UndoManager is based on CompoundUndoManager posted by camickr on thread: http://
- Try this code:
- Try changing to: (see if it works.)
- try {code}panel.updateUI();{code} or {code}panel.setVisible(true);{code}
- try this link
- try it like this
- Try using Swing Timer instead of java.util.Timer. Use swing instead of AWT.
- Search the JavaDocs for enabled.
- You can try something like this:
- You can use the following code for a start:
- I like this:
- You also have lots of old code:
- I always tried to use:
- Same or similar problem report: http://
- Quote from this link: http://
- Same problem with 1.6.0_14, looks like all cases are not fixed.
- possibly you need this one as well {code}b.setFocusPainted(false);{code}
- Check out the differences with the code you posted. [code]
- Unfortunately I don't know any docs about this.
- // unnecessary..
- Read this thread: http://
- Possibly here:
- Run the code below:
- Adapted from (user) example:
- have a look here:
- Did you see the 2D tutorial? http://
- The problem is possibly related to Bug ID 6365353 (problem reported with Solaris).
- The tutorial shows the correct way.
- This page is OLD. Head over to http://www.example.com/.
- Here is another option you have:
- this could help:
- Regardless, if you are using Java 1.6, then I recommend that you call clearSelection on the ButtonGroup object.
- If you are not using Java 1.6, then you can always add to your button group another invisible jradiobutton and set its selected property to true.
- As JB Nizet says, here is a short example:
- On Mac OS X 10.8 you'll find the Character Viewer app here:
- from the GridBagConstraints.weightx JavaDoc:
- Sounds to me like what you really want is a set of JToggleButton in a ButtonGroup.
- Sounds like you should be using a DocumentFilter.
- I am afraid you cannot do that.
- I don't know exactly what tags are supported, but I would suggest that you restrict yourself to bold/italics (or even better strong/em assuming it supports them) and img tags.
- If I read your question correctly, you're tracking both click and mousedrag events.
- So you're looking for JTree.scrollPathToVisible(TreePath)?
- I'm just going to take a wild guess:
- wild guess:
- I would guess that the second requires the first.
- I assume you mean "setViewportView", since my component is a JPanel and not a JViewport.
- Seems to work using either of the following approaches:
- I'm assuming you are attempting to keep the highlighted line centered, so you would need to manage the view position of the viewport.
- You are overriding the JComponent methods getX() and getY(). I assume that is not your intention. So give those methods another name.
- Not sure if it work on all LAFs but you can try:
- I think Component.dispatchEvent() is what you are looking for.
- This is likely caused by 6925473, which is being fixed now.
- I think so too.
- If I understand the question....It would be much easier if you just return a byte array to java.
- Probably you are looking for:
- not sure this will give you what you want, but worth trying
- I'd suggest using a javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter.
- This looks like a problem in 6u10 later fixed in 6u12.
- Maybe you should be using "true".
- Maybe you can use a Rotated Icon.
- Maybe something like this will give you ideas:
- Maybe those jpegs that fail are CMYK ones?
- Maybe you can get enough tips from these two old threads:
- Maybe you need to update JDK 1.5.0_11 or later:
- Not sure what you really want to do. Maybe this source code can help you:
- You might be able to override the changeSelection() method of JTable to prevent that column from being selected.
- You may need to call validate() and repaint() on the content pane, but I'm not sure.
- This may be relevant:
- This might work:
- You might be able to use a JDesktopPane:
- I'm not 100% sure, but I believe this is short-coming of the Java implementation on OS X due to the fact that...
- I'm not sure of the problem, but have a look at this tutorial that describes a better way of making a SplashScreen:
- I'm not sure I understand your requirement.
- I am not sure if you're looking for this, have you tried doing a revali2012-05-29
- If I understand your requirement you might be able to use the following hack:
- Probably :P
- You may find camickr's Wrap Layout useful.
- You would need to get the height and width of the component from within the paint method
- I like Walter's idea, except it doesn't work with getBounds()
- Possibly not what you want, but much less code and maybe of help.
- I don't know a way to explicitly disable scrolling (actually that's what a scrollpane is made for).
- Perhaps JFormattedTextField?
- Probably. This may be related:
- Don't know if that helps, but it seems to suggest that there's no serious problem.
- You can use the insertCompnent(...) method of JTextPane.
- You can use the changeSelection(...) method to change the cell with focus.
- Always good to see propagation of best-practices :-) Just two minor points:
- If you're not using any custom model, then you'll get a DefaultComboBoxModel by default. If so, you can test by calling:
- Your are right, of course.
- You can use setLocation(Point p) or setLocation (int x, int y) method of JInternalFrame class
- Views don't just magically happen. You need to write code to support them. If you don't like the default view of a component then you can write your own UI and use the setUI method.
- If you want to know how to use a JProgressBar, then read the API and follow the link to the Swing tutorial which contains a working example.
- I can't compile/run your code to make the changes, so search the forum, keywords "JList setModel"
- Use a JDialog instead of a JFrame.
- Exactly that was the problem.
- This is about internal frames, where it is Ctrl+F4
- Because it is only available in Java 1.6: java.awt.SplashScreen
- However, I believe that in JDK5 and above you can change the Metal LAF behaviour by using:
- I believe, JDK6 allows you to filter the TableModel.
- In Java 1.5+, you can use the xxx method.
- I know that just from experiments with the code.
- You are looking for JTable#convertRowIndexToModel(int).
- Replace this: model.getValueAt(); With: table.getValueAt();
- If you only want a solution for windows you can try to add this in your main method:
- In Java 1.4+ you can do: {code}\n Or perhaps (pre 1.4): {code}
- For more information see http://www.example.com/
- doesn't work in certain situations - read the apidocs
- I would guess:
- You could do:
- Did you not understand my suggestion, or are you yet to try it?
- You are making things much more complicated than they really are.
- Here's a simple way to do this:
- Using KeyListener is not the correct way to do this.
- You mean something like this:
- Do you mean something like this?
- There are also problems with the wonderfull WindowsXP decision to parse zip files.
- Just in case i added this to the start of my program.
- running on JDK 6, may need to add:
- same thing happens on my pc.
- Is Vector not enough?
- And here's an article with some more info.
- I don't know this but probably you may look at A.
- I don't care about your real application.
- One way is to do something like this:
- You mean like this?
- Unless your job requires writing Eclipse plugins, I would use Swing.
- Do you mean something like this?
- What search keywords did you use? I used "xxx". Two of the first three postings I read had an answer.
- You should now set this topic "as asnwered" and award me some duke stars...
- I don't know if it's the best, but I know that
- perhaps setting the button as the rootPane's default button might be simpler
- I've never tryed it but AffineTransform has a scale(...) method.
- If I understand your requirement (you want the user to dynamically resize the panel(s) in a GUI), I think the simplest approach is to use combined JSplitPanes - see the tutorial:
- So I don't know if I understand your question, but I did definitely not a problem (bug?) with my version of a SSCCE what was tested on JDK6.u7:
- Well, I guess when a ListModel is empty it has a default width and height.
- I am not saying that this is the only way.... there can be many (better) ways. This is just an example.
- Can you try to add some lines:
- edit: as pointed out by camickr,
- I agree with maxideons suggestion.
- I agree with dcminter completely.
- It might be 6857057 introduced in 6u14 - it's listed as fixed for 6u16-r2 but that is not available yet I think.
- JFrame.setIconImage(Image image) does exactly that.
- To answer your second question:
- I don't get it clearly, what you mean by 'no line breaks'? But I think you can use:
- That is the default implementation of each renderer.
- Your component has not yet been added to its parent.
- I don't think bmp files are supported. Try a gif or jpg.
- It has not been necessary to call getContentPane() since Java 1.5.
- There are no restrictions. You can use all the code, insert in your application, extend, modify etc.
- You're in luck, nSteen is trying to solve the same (homework?) problem.
- But this looks like ugly hack! So, I think it would be better if you do what BoBear suggested.
- there may be better solutions, but as a quick one, you may try to replace the desktop manager on your desktop pane to another one with overridden iconifyFrame method:
- That's the default behavior (in the default Metal LaF, at least) when you setEditable(false). And IMO it doesn't make much sense to change the cursor or allow hyperlink navigation when the text pane is editable.
- causes exception if Nimbus LaF specified:
- <---------------- add this line
- Instead of doing: A ... wrap it in a closure like: B
- As (user) said, you need to call setLocation() on the containing Window.
- Like Darryl said, if you want an Image, why not just use ImageIO.read() instead of creating an unnecessary object?
- As Luca-Sanna has already said,
- Sounds vaguely similar to this bug.
- Upgrade to the latest Java release where it is fixed (6u13-6u16 had this bug).
- According to this posting it is a bug with version 1.6.0_07:
- Please file a bug at the Openjfx-compiler issues home after checking for duplicates.
- This seems like the same issue here:
- fixed focus issue with tool dialogs.
- I doubt mouse wheel events always have (0, 0) for location on screen intentionally. It seems like a bug in AWT instead.
- The only bug somewhat related to this, I could find is this.
- This is a bug which has not yet been fixed
- This issue is listed in the bug parade: http://
- This is a known issue. You can vote for it : https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-6759788
- This is not seen with JDK 6.0
- anniversary site:bugs.java.com/bugdatabase
- Logged on bugs.java.com:
- I'm not sure if this is a bug.
- This would qualify as a bug.
- It looks very much like this bug: 6863499
- I'll file a bug. Thanks!
- Can anyone explain the following beheaviour? I'm thinking it's a bug, but I might be wrong.
- Thanks. I filed the bug:http://
- They say it was fixed in 1.6. What version are you using?
- in dual monitor configuration
- It's a bug in the synth-installed renderer, quick hack is to force the rendering checkbox opacity to true:
- just got some info: the problem seems to have been a known issue causing more serious failures
- code not tested
- //untested code
- Please notice, it is NOT tested code
- Untested code, may take some massaging to work, but this is the gist of it:
- Not thoroughly tested. Use at your own risk and do the forum the courtesy of posting any bug fixes you do.
- I didn't test on linux. i am using only windows vista.
- another to try: http://
- Or like this?
- Or JTable.html#setFillsViewportHeight(boolean) in Java 1.6.
- Or simpler, setFocusable(false);
- This is an other solution for the problem: http://www.example.com/
- also check out AWTEventListener
- Or, as an alternate solution:
- Here is another approach..
- Alternative link: SSCCE
- Something like this .. Or this?
- You can also use:
- But setActionCommand is still the properest way.
- Another example.
- also check out the netbeans platform, which has full docking support:
- You can also use the <br> tag to split the tool tip onto multiple lines along with the <html> tags.
- Can you also try the following code?
- Another common way to control spacing between components is to simply add an empty border
- or for a SwingWorker (if you're using Java 1.6):
- Another option is to use a CardLayout.
- By default, a JTable doesn't have a border. Are you talking about the gridlines?
- Pete was just showing another approach in case you need to further customize the behaviour.
- Note also that my examle is somewhat flawed - JTextComponent.setText() is thread-safe, so in fact my example actually needs no SwingUtilities.invokeLater() call.
- But it was just an example to show how it's done - most of Swing is not thread-safe and you'd need to do it that way.
- Hope that helps.
- Hope this helps.
- if works good for me.
- I worked for me too!
- visit this, hope this helps you.
- I hope they will have a quick reaction about this issue.
- Comment, Disclaimer, Commit Message
- edit: shortened the code
- Edited by: StitzL on 10.02.2011 02:34 - Fixed spelling error.
- edit Reduced a few LoC
- Edited by: MagnusT76 on Dec 9, 2009 11:06 PM spell issue
- copied from BasicSpinnerUI
- some code problems found by FindBugs
- Remove unnecessary include of stdint.h in java_md.c
- FindBugs scan - Malicious code vulnerability Warnings in com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpsParameters.*
- <j2se version="1.5*"/> // 1.5 only
- <j2se version="1.5+"/> // 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8...
- See e.g. this thread
- See comment
- this code is written by Dr. Heinz M. Kabutz. I can't remeber the website.
- Note: Next time, post compilable code. We don't have your PanelGato class to test your code.
- Note: this is just presented as an idea, would need a lot of work to make it robust and flexible enough for practical use.
- will try. The post size restrictions here are pretty terrible:
- Doc: a dead link in SynthLookAndFeel.html
- (Mac only?)
- Update copyright year
- A typo in MidiSystem.getTransmitter() implementation code.
- Add @Override annotation to createNextButton methods that implement BasicSpinnerUI.
- Remove binary plugs creation and use from openjdk.
- Added tag jdk7-b123 for changeset 869190935eed.
- Add global jdk makefile options to silence some VS2010 warnings
- Sorry -- forgot to post my environment:
- Sorry I fixed the link.
- Sorry, I have no idea what your code is doing.
- Sorry for my English.
- Sorry, Michael, saw your response after posting this.
- Sorry for my imperfect English...
- Sorry for the duplicated post.
- Sorry that I'm not good at English.
- Sorry if this is the wrong place to post but I couldn't find a better one.
- Sorry for the double post..
- Sorry, Rob already said that.
- sorry for the hijack
- Sorry I had not seen your reply yet...
- Sorry, you posted while I was replying. Will take a look.
- Sorry for the late reply.
- sorry wrong board
- sorry: double post
- Sorry for the delay, for some reason I didn't see this reply right away...
- sorry my terrible mistake. i should've seen "tags" carefully.
- Ooops.. I'm too late, the code is already there.
- Oups, my bad. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the heads up.
- Oops, I feel like an idiot now.
- Ooops, mixed this thread up with another... just ignore this post.
- Oops, double posted...
- Oops... I forgot: congrats!
- Oops. Looks like I posted it two times. Sorry.
- Ahh.. I see. So Alt+F4 would close the whole frame though? Sorry about that.
- Ah okay, I misunderstood.
- ahhhh.. quite correct, thanks!
- ah yes.... I guess I missed the point.. :-)
- Ah, I see what you mean.
- disregard please. double post.
- double posted by accident.
- double post. disregard.
- double post (sorry)
- I made a typo.
- There's a typo in the title.
- Hrm, that's so weird, I must have misspelled something, it works now. Thanks Michael, 10 dukes for you!
- a bit offtopic sorry, and excuse me for my English.
- my en is very poor, good luck!
- @Omry: Correct, my mistake. Through our talks on the subject off-blog, I’ve realised I completely forgot about DataInputStream!
- I don't speak English well.
- My English is bad.
- There, sorry if it's a little long.
- Heh, just saw Romain’s reply.
- I saw your post after posting my last one. That example looks even better than the others that I posted.
- fixed, please ignore....
- ignore this....
- Thanks Camickr, sorry for the late reply below is working solution
- removed, please ignore...
- My bad. I missed that.
- I'm not sure.
- Duplicate post, sorry.
- already suggested above. my bad.
- Talk about being blind, I don't know how I missed Michaels answer.
- deleted
- I'm sorry that I could not reply you sooner.
- I'm off for the next few days. I'll be back early next week.
- I cannot express myself fully in English
- Thanks both of you, that was the information I needed. Sorry it took a bit to reply.
- Please ignore, false alarm. My fault.
- Browser hiccups? I've removed the double post.
- deleted as it was nonsense
- edit: as pointed out by camickr,
- Rob beat me by 36 seconds.
- TableColumnModelListener is what you need. That will give you notifications for all events you require.
- Please forgive me for nitpicking, but you make the same grammatical error in almost every post.
- Thanks for your remarks and sorry for the obviously insufficient description of my problem.
- System.err.println("Oops! Something went wrong!");
- Wrong post
- bad post
- duplicate post deteted
- deleted fast hands duplicities
- It works with the MouseListener anyways!! My Bad! ...just forget my question... sorry!
- Oh, nothing!Just forget it.
- Disclaimer: I've only scanned the code casually, so I may be wrong.
- I don't understand why this change is necessary.
- But we won't know for sure without an SSCCE.
- Too much unrelated code. An SSCCE is not meant to be your whole program. What have 9 images got to do with the problem at hand?
- You might try playing with this SSCCE. BTW - please consider posting code questions in the form of an SSCCE in future, since it makes it easier for people to help.
- The SSCCE doesn't help (me) in clarifying the question.
- Agreed, which is why I always recommend a SSCCE. English is not always the first language of people asking the question or answering the question. A SSCCE helps to clarify the question and break the language barrier.
- "A picture (the SSCCE), is worth a thousand words".
- if you are happy with an answer - even your own self-muttering <g> please mark the question as answered.
- Now I remember you. I gave you some code in your last thread, but no reply from you. => No more help from me.
- Please award the duke stars if you are satisfied with the answers. Note that this does not automatically happen if you mark a reply as helpful/correct.
- You've received quite a bit of amount which you have ignored. Why should we give you advice that you will ignore?
- You didn't bother to reply to WalterLaan's useful response in your previous thread
- I didn't see that before. Anyway, I will ignore him as soon as he starts showing similar behavior here as over in the other forum (and I will certainly ignore posts he starts out by greeting me personally :-)
- If that doesn't shed light on the problem, do as Kevin suggested and post an example demonstrating the problem.
- This should be posted in the Swing forum, not the Java 2D forum.
- Please read the "Welcome to the new home" posting at the start of the forum to learn how to use the "code tags" so posted code is formatted and readable.
- Please use code tags when posting code: http://www.example.com/
- Thanks a lot.
- Thanks again.
- Thanks for the correction!
- Thanks Jim and Tom for the replies,
- Thanks Darryl.Burke for providing us the alternative way. :)
- Thanks, I will look into it.
- Thanks, getComponentCount(...) is exactly what i was looking for.
- Thanks, I overlook the JTree's JavaDoc :-)
- Thanks to both of you. I will proceed with testing your solutions.
- Thanks for all the answers. I'lll check the frameworks you offered soon...
- Thanks for moving my post, sorry about that.
- Thanks for pointing that out. I’ve updated the example code.
- Thanks for testing.
- Thanks for noticing it!
- Thanks for the heads up Darryl.
- Thanks for the response.
- Thanks for the correction.
- Thanks for the feedback.
- Thanks for Your help!
- Thanks for your answer.
- Thanks for the juicy Dukes.
- Thanks for the Duke stars
- Thanks for the link,
- Thanks for your time!
- Thank you for commenting.
- Thanks for the supplementary explanation. I really appreciate it.
- Thx a ton.
- Thx, Max. This is a mistake. Working w/ our Ops Team now.
- Thanks! Sorry it took so long to respond... for some reason I didn't get my notification email.
- Thanx and Regards.
- I'll change it. Thanks.
- Yes, I like that much better, thanks.
- Jim, thanks for the response.
- Problem's solved. Thanks to all!
- Now i am closing this message.
- Thx for the hint...fixed it and will release 3.9.21 right now... :)
- I will put a fix for this. Thanks for reporting.
- That was exactly the clarification I was looking for.
- If I read your question correctly, you're tracking both click and mousedrag events.
- Yes, thanks, the typo has been updated.
- :D and thanks for the Dukes!
- work ;-) Four eyes see more than two eyes! Thanks for helping me! :-)
- I've updated the links, thanks for pointing out the error.(> it looks like both links point to XXX instead)
- Thanks for your alert. Totally 11 entries from Sygem have been removed and the site is updated.
- Please check.
- Anyway, after fiddling around with some ideas, this is what I came up with.
- I'm glad I was able to help :)
- Sure, glad I could help.
- Glad to be of help.
- glad to help.
- No you aren't the only one.
- Thanks for the Dukes.
- copied from BasicSpinnerUI
- can someone please ban this guy from the mailing list?
- The fix looks good.
- ur
- IMO in my opinion.
- FIY Just an (a) FYI. Just for your information.
- ISTR ? "I seem to recall" (i.e. I'm not really sure)
- RTFM Read the Fxxx Manual.
- We don't do homework.
- My crystal ball tells me that your problem is on line 42 of the code that you haven't shown us.
- bump up age
- hi ppl
- plz please.
- BTW this is what I want to be able to do.
- Har-de-har
- LGTM = Looks good to me
- KeyListener are used by AWT applications because thats all that existed at the time (which is why you see so many old examples lying around).
- Swing was written to use Key Bindings (read the link I gave you which also provides a link to the Swing tutorial for detailed information),