• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
RIGHT:Posted by [[aterai]] at 2012-07-30
*NimbusLookAndFeelのカラーパレット [#kf3f6f47]



**サンプルコード [#kb6eef2f]
UIDefaults def = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
def.put("nimbusOrange", new Color(255,220,35,200));

**解説 [#j922dab2]
- 上:
-- Nimbus Look&Feel の Primary Colors の一つ(上記のサンプルではnimbusOrange)を変更して全体で色を変更

以下の一覧は、[http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/_nimbusDefaults.html Nimbus Defaults (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Modifying the Look and Feel)]より引用
|Key| Value| Preview|h
|control                   | #d6d9df (214,217,223)| COLOR(#d6d9df){■}|
|info                      | #f2f2bd (242,242,189)| COLOR(#f2f2bd){■}|
|nimbusAlertYellow         | #ffdc23 (255,220,35) | COLOR(#ffdc23){■}|
|nimbusBase                | #33628c (51,98,140)  | COLOR(#33628c){■}|
|nimbusDisabledText        | #8e8f91 (142,143,145)| COLOR(#8e8f91){■}|
|nimbusFocus               | #73a4d1 (115,164,209)| COLOR(#73a4d1){■}|
|nimbusGreen               | #b0b332 (176,179,50) | COLOR(#b0b332){■}|
|nimbusInfoBlue            | #2f5cb4 (47,92,180)  | COLOR(#2f5cb4){■}|
|nimbusLightBackground     | #ffffff (255,255,255)| COLOR(#ffffff){■}|
|nimbusOrange              | #bf6204 (191,98,4)   | COLOR(#bf6204){■}|
|nimbusRed                 | #a92e22 (169,46,34)  | COLOR(#a92e22){■}|
|nimbusSelectedText        | #ffffff (255,255,255)| COLOR(#ffffff){■}|
|nimbusSelectionBackground | #39698a (57,105,138) | COLOR(#39698a){■}|
|text                      | #000000 (0,0,0)      | COLOR(#000000){■}|

- 下:
-- 指定した領域を塗りつぶすPainterを作成して、JProgressBar#putClientProperty("Nimbus.Overrides", d); で特定のコンポーネントの色を設定

UIDefaults d = new UIDefaults();
d.put("ProgressBar[Enabled].foregroundPainter", new Painter() {
  @Override public void paint(Graphics2D g, Object o, int w, int h) {
    g.setColor(new Color(100,250,120,50));
    g.setColor(new Color(100,250,120,150));
progressbar.putClientProperty("Nimbus.Overrides", d);

**参考リンク [#je95a8c5]
- [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/_nimbusDefaults.html Nimbus Defaults (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Modifying the Look and Feel)]
- [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10847308/how-to-change-the-color-of-a-single-jprogressbar-in-nimbus java - How to change the color of a single JProgressBar in Nimbus? - Stack Overflow]

**コメント [#x2d9373f]